

What if God gave us everything we've ever wanted? Riches beyond counting, a fabulous new luxury car, straight A's, just by asking for them. Wouldn't that mean that all our problems would be over? But think about what happens when you find yourself with all that money. How will you handle it? Friends and relatives will resent you if you don't share it with them. It will be quickly spent. If you do try to invest it, it can easily be lost. People who have won the lottery have found this to be true, to their despair. And the car? It can be expensive to maintain, and won't last forever. The academic honors are the most difficult. How can you use them when you didn't earn them? People will soon realize that you are a fraud. Only the rewards that we earn come with the knowledge of how to handle them. Prayer requests asking for the knowledge of God's will and the power to carry them out set us up for success.

Adapted from Just for Today (1991), p. 349,