William J. O'Malley


William J. O'Malley was born on August 18, 1931 in Buffalo, NY. He is a Catholic
priest, teacher, actor, and the author of books on religious topics.
He has written 37 books.
You'll Never Be Younger: A Good News Spirituality for Those Over 60 was published
in 2015. It won a Catholic Press Association Book Award in 2016. The book discusses
how to live with enthusiasm in your later years, how to find insight and realistic
optimism. The Amazon summary starts out with the Andy Rooney quote: "It's
paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of
getting old doesn't appeal to anyone." Garrattpublishing.com.au said in its review
that "Teacher, author, and octogenarian, Jesuit Bill O'Malley reminds us that Jesus
told us 'I come that you may have life, and have it abundantly.' (John 10:10) . . . Father
O'Malley offers timeless wisdom that comes and for those of a 'certain age'. . . You'll
Never Be Younger brims with life, and with the battle scars, laughter, and holy
optimism of one who has been there, done that - and knows."