Justo L. González


Justo Luis González was born on August 9, 1937 in Havana, Cuba. He has been a
professor of historical theology and the author of numerous academic articles and
books. He has written at least twenty-five books.
A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation was published
in 2017.  Amazon calls the book an ". . . accessible historical overview of
Sunday . . . from the earliest days of the church to the present." In her review, Kimberly
Bracken Long of Columbia Theological Seminary wrote: "With the extensive knowledge
of an accomplished historian and the graceful skill of a storyteller, Justo González
traverses the long and complex history of Sunday clearly and accessibly. Not only does
he deepen our understanding of how we came to do the things we do, but he also offers
a vision of the church's future where Protestants and Catholics alike rediscover the
ancient meaning of Sunday - a day of joy when we celebrate Christ's resurrection,
eagerly and actively anticipating the coming of the new creation."