David Boaz


David Boaz was born on August 29, 1953 in Mayfield, KY. He has been an executive
director and executive vice president of think tanks, media commentator, and author
of articles and books on political philosophy. He has written at least six books.
Libertarianism: A Primer was published in 1997. This book outlines the history of
libertarianism and explains in clear language how the philosophy would provide
answers to today's policy problems. At the end of the book, there is even a way for
the reader to discover whether or not he or she should classify themselves as libertarian.
Richard A. Epstein writes that "in an age in which the end of big government is used by
politicians as a pretext for bigger, worse government, it is refreshing to find a readable
and informative account of the basic principles of libertarian thought written by someone
steeped in all aspects of the tradition. David Boaz's primer unites history, philosophy,
economics, and law - spiced with just the right anecdotes - to bring alive a vital tradition
of American political thought that deserves to be honored today in deed as well as in word."